Take a look at this example of an alternative whole group lesson, which emphasizes the principles outlined by Gartrell. The group of children, which includes four children out of the larger group taking a turn exploring the corn, are open to share ideas, talk, and ask questions in a respectful, kind manner. As you watch the video, and later plan your own alternative whole group lesson, consider the same questions as before:
- What is the goal of this lesson?
- What are the positive elements of this lesson?
- What could be done to enhance this lesson?
Listen as our content expert provides some additional commentary on this alternative whole group lesson.
As you begin to plan your own alternative lesson plan below, it is important to remember that this is an alternative group lesson approach. This is not to say that traditional group lessons are not bad or wrong, but rather an opportunity to reflect upon the purpose of whole group and rethink the possibilities for alternative lessons. Whole group activities can be read-alouds, discussions, demonstrations, and performances. Traditionally, the group lesson is for the teacher to set the stage and perform on it. In planning your alternative group lesson, use the guiding questions to outline a new whole group experience.
Rethink a whole group lesson you have done in the past, or one you would like to conduct in the future. Use the form below to plan the lesson, reflecting upon the values, goals, and components involved in the lesson.
Rethink a whole group lesson you have done in the past, or one you would like to conduct in the future. Use the form below to plan the lesson, reflecting upon the values, goals, and components involved in the lesson.
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